Horizon imports 2-10.000 liters’ volume pressure tanks from the world famous brand Reflex. The company calculates, installs and commission the tanks offering both guarantee and post guarantee service.
Pressure vessels make regulation function and form an entire set with the pumps and other equipments in water supply systems. Pressure vessels possess three main features in water supply process. First, they are accumulating the water, keeping it under pressure.
Since most pumps have certain limit of switching on and off within time unit, thanks to noted function the vessel inhibits frequent and non-needed switching on and off of the pump while turning on water faucet of the system each time. The second important feature is: the pressure vessel safeguards the system against hydraulic impacts while switching on the pump. It is significantly important to the safe running of equipments that is operating in water system.
So the last important feature is: the vessel accumulates some water reserve in the system and provides water usage for a while in case of switching off electricity.
Pressure vessel is a metal tank with membrane inside, which occupies 30-50% of the tank. The air stream occurs under certain pressure between the membrane and the tank. In case of switching on the pump the water is pouring into the membrane and it causes the air volume decreasing in the tank. In case of air volume decreasing the pressure is increasing and coming to beforehand estimated level and the pump switches off. While turning on the faucet pressure decrease occurs in the system and the water inside the membrane pours into the system. When water usage causes tank pressure decease the pump switches on. So the quantity of pumps turns on and off is falling in a time unit. All these are essential guarantee for the pump durability.