Magna3 is more than simply a pump

An intellectual pump
MAGNA3 opens new vistas by introduction of novel intellectual control modes, an optimized interaction with the control system of premises, and an integrated thermal energy meter. Now the system is capable of storing the positions of throttle valves of the pumps. It seems appropriate to assert that the standards for intellectual pumps have been raised.
The leadership through the efficiency
To avoid the verbalization it should be noted that MAGNA3 is the most efficient circulation pump of those available in the market. Concerning the details, it is remarkable that the energy efficiency index EEI (Energy Efficiency Index) of this pump acquires the values that much exceed the reference EuP (Energy using Products) quantity, and, consequently, this pump promises an opportunity of up to 75% of energy saving as compared to that of standard circulation pump and, hence, of relatively prompt cost recovery. It is beyond doubt that the pump meets the European Standards EuP (for details refer to website address:
The reliability from a to z
The Grundfos Company does not underestimate the importance of test operations. Having nearly 40 years long production experience of electronically controlled pumps, we have carried out comprehensive tests of MAGNA3 series pumps under extreme operational conditions for total duration of more than 1 Mln. hours including the alternating-pressure tests, high humidity and low temperature trials to provide the serviceability of the pumps of this series for many years long operation every day оf the weak.
Large variety of products is an essential condition for proper choice
The extended series of models is represented by 150 ordinary and double pumps in cast iron and stainless steel casings, that have maximum head of delivery of about 18m and flow rates up to 70 m3/h. Now the problem of proper choice of MAGNA3 model for operation under desired loading conditions with due regard for saving in materials and energy consumption is much simplified.
MAGNA means an ongoing improvement
Nowadays the Grundfos Company takes its share in the formation of development trends of circulation pumps. The choice of Grundfos Company products is an unerring option if one is in the search of power consumption efficiency and quick payback solution. The revolutionary power consumption efficiency of MAGNA3 pumps is based on the use of optimized pump hydraulics and employment of differential pressure pickup, whereas the utilization of composite bucket of the rotor and compact stator reduces the losses in the electric engine to the minimum. As a result we have highly efficient circulation pump of promising design that make obsolete even the strict requirements of 2015 EuP Norms.
Versatile circulation pump
Similar to its preceding model, MAGNA3 is indispensable both in the heating and the cooling systems, as well as in the hot water supply systems. It operates with liquid agents at temperature down to – 10°C and owing to that it is suitable for use in systems of geothermal heat pumps (GTHP). Besides that, now the temperature range of liquid (from – 10°C to +110°C) is not confined to that of the surrounding medium (from 0°C to +40°C), and this means that MAGNA3 will be a reliable choice for heating and cooling systems.
